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Does Bladder Have Pressure Rating?

We receive and handle many RFQs on the accumulators each week. Among them, many customers ask for the bladders. Some customers say they need 3,000 PSI or 5,000 PSI bladders. Does the accumulator bladder have pressure rating?

The answer is “NO”. The bladder itself does not have pressure rating since it can not be used by itself. The pressure rating is only referred to the accumulator it will be used on. The 3,000 PSI and 5,000 accumulators can use the same bladder.

What’s the difference of so-called 3,000 PSI bladder and 5,000 PSI bladder?

The difference may be the bladder stems. Some manufacturers use a longer stem on 5,000 PSI bladders because of the thicker wall of 5,000 PSI accumulators. This will make the assembly easier and better, although it’s not necessary. 

Some manufacturers, like us, also use 2″ stems on the 5,000 PSI products, this is another difference on the bladders.

Bladder Stems for 3,000 PSI & 5,000 PSI Accumulators

Finally, normally what the customer bought is the bladder repair kit, not the bladder only. The bladder repair kit includes the seal kits and the high pressure gas valve, which has different pressure ratings as 3,000 PSI, 5,000 PSI, 6,500 PSI, to 10,000 PSI.


Bladder Repair Kit

We have above different stem bladders on our 3,000 PSI and 5,000 PSI products to meet the customers requirements. Contact us if you have any questions or need special help. 

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