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Accumulator Charging Guide

Use Dry Nitrogen Only!


Use our charging kit RGA-100-X for bladder accumulator pressure charging. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Connect the gland connector to the gas cylinder or regulator. (standard connection is CGA-580 in US, you may have different connections for overseas use or use with regulators)
  2. Connect the air chuck to the accumulator gas valve (Schrader type) , using wrench to tighten.
  3. Turn the handle on the air chuck clock-wisely all the way to push the gas valve core pin open. Make sure the bleed valve is fully closed.
  4. Turn on the gas cylinder (or the regulator) knob slowly to charge.
  5. When the pressure gauge reading reaches the desired value, stop the charging by turning off the gas knob. For new accumulator assembly, recommended pre-charge pressure is 20psi to complete the assembly.
  6. Turn the air chuck handle counter clock-wisely to release the gas valve core pin.
  7. Unscrew the air chuck. Take off the charging kit from the accumulator. For some high pressure charging, you may need to open the bleed valve after the pressure charging first to release the pressure left inside the gauge, then unscrew the air chuck from the accumulator.
Product Information

The RGA-100-X series Charging and Gauging Assembly from Reasontek are standard tools for maintaining the Nitrogen pre-charge in hydro-pneumatic accumulators.

Gauges are available in different pressure ranges up to 3000 PSI. Other pressures and metric gauge markings are also available.

  • Easy to install and operate
  • No external leakage
  • All hardware included, replaceable parts list
  • High quality US made fittings, pressure gauge
  • 10′ US brand charging hose with standard right-hand thread nitrogen fitting (CGA-580)
  • Reusable cable ties provided for easy storage
  • High quality aluminum case for protection and east carry

The Charging Kit is rated for 3,000 PSI, pressure gauge options from 100-3000 PSI.

Product # Pressure 
RGA-100-A 100 psi
RGA-100-B 300 psi
RGA-100-C 600 psi
RGA-100-D 1500 psi
RGA-100-E 3000 psi

Made in USA
High Quality Products Made in USA.

 Pressure 100 – 3000 PSI
Gas Bottle Connection  Standard CGA580
Gas Valve Charging Connection 0.305-32 UNS
Item # Description Qty
1 Body, Portable Mount 1Pc
2 Air Chuck 1Pc
3 Bleed Valve 1Pc
4 Tank Valve 1Pc
5 Pressure Gauge 1Pc
6 Swivel Connector 1Pc
7 Hose Assembly (10 feet) 1Pc
8 Coupler 1Pc
9 Gland 1Pc
10 Nut 1Pc
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